There are many factors that contribute to a winning government contract proposal. And even though the following elements are really critical (and should be non-negotiable), it is amazing how many companies fail to understand their importance.

Proposals should be:

  1. Compliant with and traceable to every RFP requirement
  2. Responsive to the customer’s needs and concerns
  3. Understandable by the average reader (not just agency subject matter experts)
  4. Credible— based on substantiated claims
  5. Tell a story (as opposed to a disjointed treatise written by several people)
  6. Supported by professional graphics (minimize too many text-only pages)
  7. Consistent among management, technical and pricing volumes
  8. Carefully edited (in the client’s mind, this often reflects the quality of future deliverables)


  • Michael Lisagor is a co-founder of GovFlex and  contributor to the GovFlex Academy